Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cooking Lessons

As I was cleaning and preparing fresh Brussels Sprouts,which we will serve tonight, at our annual "pot luck", along with Chicken Pot Pie, I thought should I try to post a year end review. Since I do not consider myself a restaurant reviewer, but just a reporter of what I feel, after "eating out" it didn't seem the way to go.
The thought also came to me that the biggest change in the food area, at least in our immediate family was our Granddaughter's interesting in learning to cook and spending some time with Marilyn trying to see what goes into their favorite dishes.
We have 5 Granddaughters, age 22 to 14, and they are quite often here, especially for the holidays. The two eldest, who are domiciled in Cincinnati, are both away at college but manage to make it here for Passover, Thanksgiving and often Christmas, with or without "boy friends" (my old fashioned term). The others, all in California, seem to alternate, one family a year, for one of the major events
This years highlights, on our menu, for various occasions were "German or Austrian" Matzo Balls, Cracker Crumb Pie, actually a nut torte with whipped cream and shaved dark Chocolate on top, Baked Tenderloin ( my Mothers recipe) and dessert Pizza, a refugee from Camp Nebagamon. The girls assisted in the preparation of all.
All recipes are available with a self addressed envelope and a small mailing and handling charge, only kidding.
In the mean time have a Healthy, Happy and Joyous New Year and remember "Let's eat Out".

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